Not that we weren't total heathens. The Vlaming family attended church often enough to come away with a fair amount of Sunday school teachings imprinted on our brains. The 23rd Psalm, the Burning Bush, Noah's Ark and other fanatastical tales in the Good Book. One thing my young mind couldn't get a grasp on was the third part of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Ghost? I knew who Jesus was, God was a gimme -- paintings of the two were plentiful enough but when trying to imagine the Holy Ghost all I could envision was Charlie Brown's costume in his Halloween special. The other thing that befuddled me was the fact no ever seemed to refer to Joseph as Jesus' dad. I had a bountful imagination but as a kid the word 'virgin' meant nothing to me, and therefore "virgin birth" was equally hard to grasp. As a result I always thought of God as Jesus' sorta-grandpa. A silver-haired, bearded guardian angel (who, considering how the story turned out, wasn't much of a guardian).
I later learned I had it all wrong.